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  • The Council of Lithuanian Jews 1623-1764 - ebook

    Data dostępności: 23.03.2016

    Data publikacji: 21.03.2016

    The Council of Lithuanian Jews (Lithuanian Vaad) was the central representative organ of the Jews in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It operated for nearly one and a half centuries (1623-1764), touching all spheres of the Jewish community's life. It undertook important initiatives for the benefit of its constituency at diets and dietines (legislative assemblies of the nobility), at the courts of the...

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  • The Choice of the Bargaining Agenda in Imperfectly Competitive Markets - ebook

    Data dostępności: 06.07.2018

    Data publikacji: 06.07.2018

    Product and labour markets have strong links. Moreover, labour-management relations and negotiations are central to the functioning of labour market institutions, mostly in advanced economies. The monograph carries out an in-depth analysis of a fundamental aspect of unionised labour markets: the scope of bargaining (i.e. the issues which are the subject of bargaining between firms and unions), and...

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    Cena: 54,90 49,41 zł
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  • The World Factbook - ebook

    Data dostępności: 17.02.2015

    Data publikacji: 17.02.2015

    The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. The World Factbook is prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency. Comprehensive guide full of facts, maps, flags, and detailed information. A must for travellers, businessmen, politicians, and all who wants to know...

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  • In the Archive of Memory. The Fate of Poles and Iranians in the Second World War - ebook

    Data dostępności: 21.12.2015

    Data publikacji: 18.12.2015

    Owing to the publishing initiative of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw, we have received a very important publication that contributes greatly to documenting the history of the Polish diaspora and its fate during the Second World War and in the early postwar period. The volume consists of 14 texts contributed by 14 different people, making it not only a valuable but also...

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    Cena: 29,00 26,10 zł
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  • Wyspa czyli Christian i jego towarzysze. The Island, or Christian and his comrades - ebook

    Data dostępności: 06.05.2014

    Data publikacji: 25.04.2014

    Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. Treść następującego poematu wzięta jest po części z dzieła porucznika Bligh: Opowiadanie buntu i porwanie okrętu Bounty, na Morzu Południowym w r. 1789 , po części z Marinera: Sprawozdanie o wyspach Tonga . The foundation of the following Story will be found partly in the account of the Mutiny on the Bounty in the South Seas (in 1789) and...

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    Cena: 8,00 7,20 zł
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  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Królewna Śnieżka) English version - ebook

    Data dostępności: 17.05.2013

    Data publikacji: 23.04.2013

    A wise and beautiful queen has a daughter, but sadly dies soon afterwards. The king remarries but the stepmother is a cruel and vain woman. Snow White, so called because of her beauty, is soon lovelier than her stepmother. But the stepmother cannot accept a rival and orders that Snow White be taken from the palace and killed. Managing to escape with her life, Snow White finds a cottage in the forest...

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    Cena: 7,99 7,19 zł
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  • The little Mermaid (Mała syrenka) English version - ebook

    Data dostępności: 17.05.2013

    Data publikacji: 23.04.2013

    Deep beneath the ocean lay the beautiful and magical kingdom of King Neptune. He had six mermaid daughters, the youngest of whom was considered to be unsurpassed in her beauty. They lived a wonderful and carefree existence in their underwater arcadia. The world beyond was an uncertain and dangerous place and for this reason all mermaids were forbidden to travel up to the surface before their fifteenth...

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  • The Victorian Royal Nursery, 1840-1865. Creation, Organisation, Staff, Financing - ebook

    Data dostępności: 29.11.2020

    Data publikacji: 29.11.2020

    The Victorian Royal Nursery attempts to shed more light on the nursery for the children of Queen Victoria. It examines the creation, organisation, and financing of the nursery, with a consideration of the most important individuals who looked after the Royal children, namely the medical staff, wet nurses, monthly nurses, permanent nurses, governesses and subgovernesses. The study is based mostly on...

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    Cena: 29,00 26,10 zł
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  • The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version - ebook

    Data dostępności: 17.05.2013

    Data publikacji: 23.04.2013

    Adapted from the classic Polish tale, The Dragon under the Hill tells the story of an ancient principality and its inhabitants’ struggle with an uninvited and extremely unwelcome guest! An evil fire breathing dragon decides to settle in the principality of Prince Krakus, pillaging and plundering the country! Even the prince’s knights encounter much more than they bargained for when they...

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    Cena: 7,99 7,19 zł
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  • The Ugly Duckling. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 08.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

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    Cena: 4,99 4,49 zł
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